Settling in nicely…

Happy TailIt’s been a few weeks now so I thought it was time for an update.

John and Kerry (Mom and Dad now) went away last weekend for Memorial Day and I got to stay at home with Sam, Gandalf and their friend Teri. Teri was very nice to come and stay with us. I know that Sam and Gandalf usually go to Kerry’s sister’s house but since I am new on the scene, Mom and Dad wanted to keep me home.

Dad took me to the vet on Thursday to have my Happy Tail looked at. I saw a vet that Dad had never met by the name of Dr. Loree Flora, DMV. She was fantastic! First of all she told Dad how much she loved White Shepherds and how her grandparents had one; that made me feel special.

She cut the hair off of the tip of my tail and then again a little farther up. She showed Dad how to wrap it using the upper spot as an anchor. Dad looked confused at first but then I think he got it. Afterwards he was on the phone telling Kerry that for $55 he now knows how to wrap a dog’s tail but I think he really appreciated the lesson even if it cost a lot. When he had tried earlier, it flew off after only a wag or two.

Dr. Flora looked me over and told me that I was a really pretty girl….I want to go to see her from now on! She appreciates me for being the Shepherd that I am…Her associate, that I saw last time, didn’t like me nearly as much.

I learned how to open the front door yesterday, which I did when I saw a mean dog across the street that I wanted to teach a lesson to. Unfortunately I did not realize that there was a fence in front of me that I needed to go around to get to the dog. By the time I realized that, Kerry was grabbing my harness and dragging me back inside.

I think I scared that dog pretty good though!

Now that the mean dog knows that I’m on the job and that they better show some respect when they are walking in front of our house, we can all sleep better at night.

We Shepherds don’t mess around you know.

I’m starting to settle down with Sam and Gandalf. Gandalf is definitely the man of the house so I’m content with being number two. However, I can’t help myself and I pick on Sam to make sure he knows that he’s on the bottom of the totem pole. He doesn’t seem to resist my dominance but every time that I turn around he’s steeling my pig’s hoof or getting love from Mom and Dad…I’ll have to continue to put him in his place.

For some reason Kerry doesn’t like it when I do that….

Dad is going to give me a bath to try and help me with my skin problems. They thought I had the mange but it’s only a little irritation from not using the right kind of shampoo and conditioner. I’ll let you know how that goes. I think John is going to bathe me this week but its been a little cold outside so I think he’s waiting.

I heard Dad say that he was going to bathe Sam too, but when I mentioned it to Sam he only started to cry and yell out “Not the hot acid treatment! What did I do to deserve that?”

Things are going great so hopefully I’ll get to write from time to time as I go on adventures with Mom, Dad  and my new brothers.

Until later, ciao baby!

6 Responses to “Settling in nicely…”

  1. Suzanne Shaps Says:

    Hi there, Meadow!

    Sounds like you are settling in and making yourself at home. You are a very lucky dog (but you probably already know that) to be living with Kerry and John and they are very lucky to have you (and they surely know that, too).

    A great big doggie hug to you!

    • bronislaw Says:

      Thanks a lot Suzanne!

      John tells me that you are really into rescuing dogs too! I like people like you and we dogs thank each and every one of you…

      If I’m ever in Ohio I’ll be sure to stop by and say hi. If you’re ever in NJ, please do the same…if I bark at you for a while, it’s only because I’m doing my job.

      Please stay tuned for more of my blog entries. It’s not easy typing with such big paws but if I take my time I don’t hit too many keys at once.


  2. Erma & John Says:

    This is a fantastic idea to keep all of us animal people updated on the new sweetie and all the others and John & Kerry. We are looking forward to next blog.
    Love, US XXX

  3. Suzanne Shaps Says:

    Hi Meadow!

    Rose, here. Mom is busy so she asked me to answer your message. I think it is really cool that you have a blog. I don’t have a blog. I’m gonna have to raise some hell about that.

    I hope I can meet you someday, either in Ohio or New Jersey or wherever. Don’t worry if you bark at me. That is a good thing because I can be a twit when dogs show any hesitation.

    This is because I think that is my cue to be the boss and I become a real bit*h for a little while until the other dog knows I’m boss. Don’t worry, though. I’m scary but I never hurt anyone. Besides, my mom won’t let go of me until she knows I’m over my initial hissy fit.

    If the other dog takes charge and barks at me and tries to play with me, though, I figure I can’t be boss and get chicken and try to run away.

    Whatever happens, in short order, I will be your best playmate.

    So thanks for writing back to us and we will watch for more of your blogs.


    PS I am also a white dog but have some fawn markings. Your dad can go to my mom’s Facebook page where there is a WHOLE album of me!

  4. Suzanne Shaps Says:

    PS Even with your big paws, you type good!

  5. Suzanne Shaps Says:

    Hi again, Meadow, Rose here!

    I wanted to tell you that my mom’s friends in Los Altos, CA also got a white German shepherd puppy. He’s a cutie, just like you!

    Us white dogs have to stick together!


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